Pokémon GO's "Inbound from Ultra Space" event: A five-day Ultra Beast extravaganza!
Get ready for a wave of Ultra Beasts returning to Pokémon GO from July 8th to 13th, 2024! This exciting event brings back nine Ultra Beasts through five-star raids and Timed Research. However, be prepared to travel – many of these powerful Pokémon are regional exclusives.
Regional Ultra Beast Encounters:
This event introduces a global hunt for Ultra Beasts. Their appearances in raids are geographically restricted:
- Asia-Pacific: Xurkitree
- EMEA & India: Pheromosa
- Americas & Greenland: Buzzwole
- Eastern Hemisphere: Stakataka
- Western Hemisphere: Blacephalon
- Southern Hemisphere: Celesteela
- Northern Hemisphere: Kartana
Timed Research and Raid Details:
Timed Research tasks will reward encounters with all the returning Ultra Beasts, with Stakataka and Blacephalon boasting special Pokédex entries. New event-themed backgrounds will also be available from raids and wild catches.
Five-star raids will feature a rotating roster of Ultra Beasts:
- July 8: Guzzlord
- July 9: Nihilego
- July 10: Celesteela (Southern Hemisphere), Kartana (Northern Hemisphere)
- July 11: Stakataka (Eastern Hemisphere), Blacephalon (Western Hemisphere)
- July 12: Buzzwole (Americas & Greenland), Pheromosa (EMEA & India), Xurkitree (Asia-Pacific)
Shiny versions of these Pokémon may appear! Each day's featured raid Pokémon will also be highlighted during a Raid Hour (6:00 PM to 7:00 PM local time).
Event Bonuses:
- Increased Remote Raid Pass limit (20 daily, July 8-11; unlimited July 12-14).
- Guaranteed Candy XL from Pokémon trades (Trainers level 31+, July 8-14).
Inbound from Ultra Space Ticket:
For $5 (or equivalent), purchase a Timed Research ticket unlocking extra bonuses:
- 5,000 XP from completed raids.
- 2x Stardust from winning Ultra Beast Raids.
- 1 extra Candy and 1 extra Candy XL from catching Pokémon in five-star raids.
- Up to 2 free Raid Passes from Gym Photo Discs (up to 10 daily during Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global with both tickets).
- Numerous Candy XL for various Ultra Beasts.
- Additional Stardust and a Star Piece.
The ticket is available from July 8th at 10:00 AM to July 14th at 6:00 PM local time (in-game shop) or July 7th at 12:00 PM PDT to July 14th at 6:00 PM PDT (Pokémon GO Web Store, with bonus Premium Battle Pass). All bonuses expire July 14th at 8:00 PM local time. Gifting tickets to Great Friends or higher is possible.
Global Challenge and Web Store Offers:
A Global Challenge runs from July 7th at 4:00 PM PDT to July 12th at 12:00 PM PDT. Completing it unlocks Beast Balls during Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global and faster Party Power charging. The Pokémon GO Web Store offers special boxes with various items. PTC accounts are now supported on the Web Store, with a 15% discount on first purchases over $9.99.
Remember, Timed Research tasks and rewards expire on July 14th at 8:00 PM local time! Prepare for an epic Ultra Beast adventure!