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How to get a Mount in Rune Slayer

Authore: ThomasUpdate:Mar 16,2025

Experience the thrill of an MMORPG within *Roblox* with *Rune Slayer*, featuring quests, crafting, dungeons, and even fishing! But what's an MMORPG without a trusty mount? While obtaining one isn't overly complex, the game doesn't explicitly guide you through the process. Let's change that.

Before You Saddle Up

A Rune Slayer player has summoned a Pet wolf
Screenshot by The Escapist

Before you start exploring Rune Slayer at warp speed, you'll need two things:

  • Reach Level 20: This shouldn't take more than a few hours of questing, job completion, and mob slaying. A group of friends can significantly speed this up.
  • Tame a Pet: A quest will guide you through this, but here's the gist:
    • Find a tamable animal (deer, wolf, spider, etc.).
    • Attack it once.
    • Hold a food item the animal enjoys (apples for deer, raw deer meat for wolves).
    • A heart will appear above its head. A fully grown heart means success; a black heart signifies failure—try again with a different animal.

Once you've reached level 20 and tamed a pet, you're ready for the next step.

Embark on the Mount Quest

Jimmy the Stable Master is giving a quest to a Rune Slayer player
Screenshot by The Escapist

At level 20, visit Jimmy the Stable Master in Wayshire. He'll give you the "Jimmy's Delivery" quest, requiring you to deliver a package to the Ashenshire Stable Master. Head north through Wayshire's northern entrance, following the path through Greatwood Forest (avoid straying too far; the mobs here are challenging). Continue north until you reach Ashenshire, identifiable by the large houses nestled in the trees.

A Rune Slayer player is heading north through a town gate
Screenshot by The Escapist
A Rune Slayer player is heading north through a forest
Screenshot by The Escapist
A Rune Slayer player is heading towards a village in the trees
Screenshot by The Escapist
A Rune Slayer player is climbing a rope
Screenshot by The Escapist
A Rune Slayer player is talking to Madonna the Stable Master
Screenshot by The Escapist

Find a rope to climb, and upon reaching the top, speak to Madonna the Stable Master (no quest marker will appear; simply select "I have a package for you"). Return to Wayshire and speak to Jimmy; he'll reward you with a saddle. The saddle won't appear in your inventory to prevent accidental loss or sale.

Mounting Your Pet

A Rune Slayer player is riding a wolf mount
Screenshot by The Escapist

Summon your pet (hold "T"), approach it, and select "Mount" (press "E"). Enjoy your high-speed travels! This works with all mountable pets.

Need more assistance? Check out our Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Rune Slayer and our dedicated fishing guide!