Marvel Snap's "We Are Venom" season has arrived, bringing a wave of new content to coincide with the game's second anniversary. Get ready for exciting events and rewards!
What's New?
The star of the show is the new High Voltage Mode, running October 16th-24th. This fast-paced mode features only three turns, boosted energy, and increased card draws. Forget snapping; you start with two cards and draw two more each round, with randomized but equal energy per turn. Master this mode, and you could earn the new Agony card for free.
Seven sinister new characters join the fray: Agent Venom, Scream, Misery, Scorn, Toxic, Anti-Venom, and Agony. These additions open up exciting new strategic possibilities.
The Marvel Snap Premium Season Pass offers Agent Venom (October 2024 card) as its centerpiece, alongside exclusive Venom and Carnage variants, avatars, and 50 levels of rewards. Expect gold, credits, boosters, and titles to boost your game.
Celebrate Marvel Snap's Second Anniversary!
The "We Are Venom" season also marks Marvel Snap's second anniversary! Log in between October 18th and 26th to claim anniversary rewards: random boosters, credits, a special card title, neon card borders, and a mystery premium variant.
Download Marvel Snap from the Google Play Store and dive into the action! Stay tuned for our next article on Tiny Café, a charming game where mice serve coffee to cats.