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All Civilization 7 Leaders & Abilities Confirmed So Far (Civ 7)

Authore: AlexisUpdate:Mar 15,2025

All Civilization 7 Leaders & Abilities Confirmed So Far (Civ 7)

Mastering *Civilization 7* requires a solid strategy, and your Leader is the cornerstone of that strategy. This comprehensive guide details every confirmed Leader in *Civilization 7*, outlining their unique abilities and agendas.

All Leaders and Abilities in *Civ 7*, Listed

Currently, *Civilization 7* boasts 20 confirmed Leaders. This table will be updated as more information becomes available.

LeaderUnique AbilityAttributesAgenda
AminaWarrior-Queen of Zazzau: +1 Resource Capacity in Cities. +1 Gold per Age for each Resource assigned to Cities. +5 Combat Strength on all Units in Plains and Desert.Economic, MilitaristicDesert of the Warrior-Queen: Decreases relationship by a medium amount if the player has more settlements on Plains or Desert tiles; increases relationship by a small amount if they have none.
Ashoka, World Conqueror (Founders Content Pack)Devaraja: +1 Production in Cities for every 5 excess Happiness. +10% Production in Settlements not founded by you. Declaring a Formal War grants a Celebration. +10 Combat Strength against Districts for all Units during a celebration.Diplomatic, MilitaristicWithout Regret: Decreases relationship by a medium amount with the Leader controlling the most tiles, and increases relationship by a medium amount with the Leader controlling the fewest.
Ashoka, World RenouncerDhammaraja: +1 Food in Cities for every 5 excess Happiness. +10% Food in all Settlements during a Celebration. All Buildings gain a +1 Happiness adjacency for all Improvements.Diplomatic, ExpansionistWithout Sorrow: Increases relationship by a medium amount with the player with the highest Happiness yield; decreases relationship by a medium amount with the player having the lowest.
AugustusImperium Maius: +2 Production in the Capital for every Town. Can purchase Culture Buildings in Towns. +50% Gold towards purchasing Buildings in Towns.Cultural, ExpansionistRestitutor Orbis: Decreases relationship by a medium amount for each Town in other players’ empires; increases relationship by a medium amount for each City (excluding Capital) in other players’ empires.
Benjamin FranklinThe First American: +1 Science per Age on Production Buildings in Cities. +50% Production towards constructing Production Buildings. +1 Science per Age from active Endeavors you started or supported. Can have two Endeavors of the same type active at a time.Diplomatic, ScientificCivic Virtue: Increases relationship gains with players sharing a Government; decreases relationship with players not sharing a Government.
Catherine the GreatStar of the North: +2 Culture per Age on displayed Great Works. Buildings with Great Works gain an additional slot. Cities settled in Tundra gain Science equal to 25% of their Culture per turn.Cultural, ScientificDusha: Decreases relationship by a medium amount with the player having the most Great Works; increases relationship by a medium amount with the player having the fewest (Catherine must possess a Great Work).
CharlemagneFather of Europe: Military and Science Buildings receive a Happiness adjacency for Quarters. Gain 2 Cavalry units, once unlocked, when entering a Celebration. +5 Combat Strength for Cavalry units during a Celebration.Militaristic, ScientificThe Golden Shepherd: Increases relationship by a medium amount with the player triggering the most Celebrations (small amount for ties); decreases relationship by a medium amount with the player triggering the fewest (small amount for ties).
ConfuciusKeju: +25% Growth Rate in all Cities. +2 Science from Specialists.Expansionist, ScientificGuanxi: Increases relationship by a medium amount for having the most Specialists in an empire.
Friedrich, Baroque (Deluxe Content Pack)Hohenfriedberger Marsch: Gain a Great Work upon capturing a Settlement for the first time. Gain an Infantry Unit when you construct a Culture Building.Cultural, MilitaristicParisian Sensibilities: Increases relationship per built Wonder in the Capital by a medium amount; decreases relationship per Building in the Capital by a small amount.
Friedrich, ObliqueBerlin Academy: Army Commanders start with the Merit Commendation (+1 Command Radius). Gain an Infantry Unit when you construct a Science Building.Militaristic, ScientificTo Arms!: Decreases relationship by a medium amount with the empire having the fewest Military Units; increases relationship by a small amount with the empire having the most.
Harriet TubmanCombahee Raid: +50% Influence towards initiating Espionage actions. Gain 5 War Support on all wars declared against you. Units ignore movement penalties from Vegetation.Diplomatic, MilitaristicVeracity: Increases relationship by a medium amount for each Formal War declared; decreases relationship by a medium amount for each Surprise War declared.
HatshepsutGod’s Wife of Amun: +1 Culture for every imported Resource. +15% Production towards constructing Buildings and Wonders in Cities adjacent to Navigable Rivers.Cultural, EconomicWonders of Iteru: Decreases relationship by a small amount if you have more Wonders than Hatshepsut; increases relationship by a medium amount if you have fewer.
Himiko, High Shaman (Founders Content Pack)Miko of Amaterasu: +2 Happiness per Age on Happiness Buildings. +50% Production towards constructing Happiness Buildings. +20% Culture but -10% Science. These effects are doubled during a Celebration.Cultural, DiplomaticShaman Queen: Decreases relationship by a small amount per Settlement with constructed Science and Gold Buildings; increases relationship by a small amount per Settlement with Culture and Happiness Buildings.
Himiko, Queen of WaFriend of Wei: Gain a Unique Endeavor, Friend of Wei, granting +25% Science to you and an ally. Can support Endeavors for free. +4 Science per Age for every Leader you’re Friendly or Helpful with.Diplomatic, ScientificYamatai: Decreases relationship by a small amount per Settlement with constructed Culture and Happiness Buildings; increases relationship by a small amount per Settlement with constructed Science and Gold Buildings.
Ibn BattutaThe Marvels of Traveling: Gains multiple Attribute points after the first Civic in every Age. Increased Sight for all Units. Gain a Unique Endeavor called Trade Maps that lets you gradually see other Leaders’ explored areas.Expansionist, WildcardFar and Wide: Increases relationship by a large amount with the player uncovering the most Fog of War tiles (medium amount for ties); decreases relationship by a small amount with the player uncovering the fewest.
IsabellaSeven Cities of Gold: Gain 300 Gold every time you discover a Natural Wonder (doubled in Distant Lands). +100% tile yields from Natural Wonders, +50% Gold towards purchasing Naval Units, and -1 Gold Maintenance for Naval Units.Economic, ExpansionistWonderlust: Decreases relationship by a large amount per Natural Wonder in the player’s borders; increases relationship by a small amount if no Natural Wonders are possessed.
Jose RizalPambansang Bayani: When gaining rewards from a Narrative Event, gain additional Culture and Gold per Age. Increased Celebration duration and Happiness towards Celebrations. Has additional Narrative Events.Cultural, DiplomaticKapwa: Increases relationship by a medium amount for the player with the most active Endeavors (small amount for ties); decreases relationship by a medium amount for the player with the most active Sanctions (small amount for ties).
LafayetteHero of Two Worlds: Gains a Unique Endeavor, Reform, granting an additional Social Policy slot (also grants the other Leader an additional slot). Increased Combat Strength for every Tradition, but no Policy, slotted in the Government. Increased Culture and Happiness per Age in Settlements. These effects are increased further in Distant Lands.Cultural, DiplomaticFrench Quarters: Increases relationship by a small amount for the player with the most Urban Districts with all Building slots filled; decreases relationship by a small amount for the player with the fewest.
MachiavelliIl Principe: Gain +3 Influence per Age. Gain 50 Gold per Age when your Diplomatic Action proposals are accepted, or 100 Gold per Age when they are rejected. Ignore Relationship requirements for declaring Formal Wars. You can levy Military Units from City-States you are no Suzerain of.Diplomatic, EconomicThe Spider: If not at war with Machiavelli, increases relationship by a medium amount for each other.
Napoleon, EmperorEmpereur des Francais: Gain a Unique Sanction, Continental System, which reduces the Trade Route limit of the targeted Leader to all other Leaders by 1, causes a massive Relationship penalty, and costs more to reject. +8 Gold per Age for every Leader you are Unfriendly or Hostile with. Can reject Endeavors for free.Diplomatic, EconomicTBD
Napoleon, RevolutionaryLa Grande Armee: +1 Movement for all Land Units. Defeating an enemy Unit provides Culture equal to 50% of its Combat Strength.Cultural, MilitaristicTBD
PachacutiEarth Shaker: All Buildings gain a Food adjacency for Mountains. Specialists adjacent to Mountains do not cost Happiness maintenance.Economic, ExpansionistMountain King: Increases relationship by a medium amount for the player with the fewest Mountains; decreases relationship by a medium amount for the player with the most.
Tecumseh (Tecumseh and Shawnee Pack)Nicaakiyakoolaakwe: +1 Food and Production per Age in Settlements for every City-State you are Suzerain of. +1 Combat Strength for all your Units for every City-State you are Suzerain of.Diplomatic, EconomicSuzerain of the World: Decreases relationship by a large amount when a player disperses as Independent; increases relationship by a small amount if the player does not have an active “Befriend Independent” Project.
Trung TracHai Ba Trung: +3 free Promotions on your first Army Commander. Your Commanders gain +20% experience. +10% Science in Cities on Tropical tiles. This bonus is doubled during any Formal War you declare.Militaristic, ScientificVan Minh: Decreases relationship by a medium amount with the player having the most Commander Promotions (small amount for ties); increases relationship by a medium amount with the player having the fewest (small amount for ties).
Xerxes, King of KingsCrusher of Rebellions: +3 Combat Strength for Units attacking in neutral or enemy territory. +100 Culture and Gold per Age upon capturing a Settlement for the first time. +10% Gold in all Settlements, doubled in Settlements not founded by you. +1 Settlement limit per Age.Economic, MilitaristicLord of Fire: Decreases relationship by a medium amount when a player is not at war; increases relationship by a small amount when a player is at war.
Xerxes, the Achaemenid (Deluxe Content Pack)Silk Road: +1 Trade Route limit with all other Leaders. +50 Culture and 100 Gold per Age when you create a Trade Route or Road. +1 Culture and Gold per Age on Unique Buildings and Unique Improvements.Cultural, EconomicLord of Coin: Decreases relationship by a medium amount if the player has a greater or equal number of Trade Routes; increases relationship by a small amount if the player has fewer.

This covers all currently confirmed *Civilization 7* Leaders. For more gaming tips and information, including updates on the Civ World Summit, visit The Escapist.