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How To Set A Spawn Point In Fisch

Authore: JosephUpdate:Jan 19,2025

In Fisch, players embark on a quest to discover rare fish across various islands, a journey that can span several days of in-game fishing. This necessitates swimming back from the starting island each time you log in. Fortunately, this inconvenience can be overcome by establishing a custom spawn point.

Several NPCs within this Roblox experience offer this service. Some provide housing, others simply a bed, but all are essential for efficient resource and fish farming.

Changing Your Spawn Point in Fisch

New Fisch players begin on Moosewood Island, the hub for essential NPCs and tutorial mechanics. However, even after extensive exploration and leveling, your spawn remains fixed on Moosewood. To change this, you need to locate the Innkeeper NPC.

Innkeepers (or Beach Keepers) are present on most islands, excluding areas with special access requirements like the Depths. They're usually found near structures like shacks, tents, or sleeping bags, though sometimes they're simply near trees (e.g., Ancient Isle). To avoid missing them, interact with every NPC upon discovering a new location.

Once you locate the Innkeeper on your chosen island, interact to determine the cost. Conveniently, the price to set a new spawn point in Fisch is a consistent 35C$, regardless of location, and you can change your spawn point as often as needed.