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Apple iPad 10th Gen: Lowest Price Ever in 2025

Authore: CamilaUpdate:Mar 12,2025

Amazon just slashed the price of the 10th-generation Apple iPad to $259.99 with free shipping! Currently, you can snag it in Blue or Silver at this amazing price. This is incredibly close to its all-time low—a fleeting $249 during Black Friday before it sold out. This price drop is likely due to the recent announcement of the new 11th-generation iPad, now available for preorder on Amazon with a March shipping date.

Apple iPad 10.9" 10th Gen for $259.99

Blue ### Apple iPad (10th Generation) 64GB Wi-Fi

$349.00 save 26% $259.99 at Amazon

Silver ### Apple iPad (10th Generation) 64GB Wi-Fi

$349.00 save 26% $259.99 at Amazon

We chose this model as our best overall iPad of 2025. For most users, the standard iPad (not the Air, Mini, or Pro) offers the best balance of iOS features, snappy performance, and affordability. This 10th-generation iPad boasts a 10.9" display, the A14 Bionic chip, 64GB of storage, Wi-Fi 6, a USB-C port, and Magic Folio keyboard compatibility—transforming it into a mini-laptop for enhanced productivity. While a newer iPad is on the horizon, the price difference might not justify the incremental upgrades.

Preorder the New 11th Gen Apple iPad

Out March 12 ### Apple iPad (11th Generation)

$349.00 at Amazon

If you're willing to spend $70-$90 more, the 2025 11th-generation iPad is available for preorder. It features a more powerful A16 Bionic chip, a slightly larger 11" display, and 128GB of storage. Note that Apple Intelligence will not be included. The upgrades are mostly incremental, but if you plan on keeping it long-term, the upgrade might be worthwhile.

Need More iPad Guidance?

Unsure which iPad is right for you? We've got an iPad guide detailing the ideal model for various use cases. Students will find our dedicated iPad guide for students particularly helpful. And if you're exploring non-iOS options, check out our list of the best Android tablets of 2025.

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