Lawsuit Looming: Heroes United Risks Legal Battle
Heroes United: Fight x3: A Surprisingly Refreshing Dose of Shovelware This simple 2D hero-collecting RPG, Heroes United: Fight x3, recently launched, a somewhat unremarkable addition to the genre at first glance. It features the standard roster of diverse characters battling enemies and bosses – a
Baldur's Gate 4: Larian Scraps Playable Build
Larian Studios,2023年度游戏《博德之门3》的缔造者,在着手新项目之际,首席执行官Swen Vincke 透露了更多关于他们放弃的游戏幕后信息。 Larian 已完成可玩版BG3后续作品 BG3 DLC和BG4最终被搁置,Larian 离开该系列 在最近接受PC Gamer采访时,Larian Studios首席执行官Swen Vincke透露,他们在决定转向新项目之前,正在开发《博德之门3》的后续作品。这款BG3的后续作品已经处于“可玩”状态,粉丝们“会喜欢的”。 “我认为,你们所有人都会喜欢它,”Vincke说。“实际上,我确信。而且我们的进展非常快,因为制作机器仍然运转良
Catnip Craze: Exploding Kittens' Santa Claws Expansion Arrives!
Get ready for some explosive holiday fun! Marmalade Game Studio and Asmodee Entertainment have released the "Santa Claws" pack, a festive new addition to Exploding Kittens 2. A New Holiday Hotspot in Exploding Kittens 2 This update introduces "Under the Tree," a charming new location brimming with
Best Gacha Games (2024) | Ready, Pity, Go!
2024年最佳抽卡手游推荐!准备好迎接挑战了吗?本文将介绍Game8编辑部评选出的2024年十大最佳手机抽卡游戏,准备好迎接钱包的考验吧! 每年都有大量高质量的抽卡手游问世,对玩家来说是好消息,但对钱包来说……Game8精心挑选了2024年十款最推荐的手机抽卡游戏,并附带一些备选游戏。请注意,本榜单不代表游戏成功程度、人气或其他标准,仅基于我们的喜好进行选择和排名。 2024年十大最佳抽卡游戏 10. 寒霜禁区 (Snowbreak: Containment Zone) 这是一款优秀的第三人称射击游戏,无疑将挑战手机游戏的极限。寒霜禁区拥有扎实的核心玩法、惊艳的视觉效果和建模、极具冲击
Dusk: New Multiplayer Mobile App in Development
Dusk: A New Mobile Multiplayer App Aims to Capitalize on the Social Gaming Trend Dusk, a recently funded mobile multiplayer app from entrepreneurs Bjarke Felbo and Sanjay Guruprasad, is aiming to make a splash in the booming mobile social gaming market. This platform allows users to quickly and eas
Sony-Kadokawa Pact Bolsters Entertainment Giant in Japan
索尼成为角川集团最大股东,建立战略资本和业务联盟! 索尼公司已成为角川集团的最大股东,双方建立战略资本和业务联盟。继续阅读以了解更多关于此协议的信息!索尼持有角川10%的股份。 角川集团保持独立 根据新的联盟协议,索尼以约500亿日元的价格收购了约1200万股新股。这些股份加上2021年2月之前收购的股份,使索尼现在持有角川集团约10%的股份。今年11月,路透社曾报道索尼有意收购角川集团。然而,此次合作使角川集团得以保持独立运营。 正如其新闻稿中所述,这项战略资本和业务联盟协议旨在加强两家公司之间的联系,通过联合投资和推广,“最大限度地提高两家公司的知识产权价值”,例如:专注于将角川集团的
Sky: Children of the Light\'s new Season of the Duets starts very soon
Sky: Children of the Light's upcoming Season of Duets brings a harmonious update filled with musical delights! This latest season introduces a captivating new area, instruments, accessories, and a compelling storyline centered around the bond between two music-loving spirits. Players will embark on
4.8 Update for 'Genshin Impact' Set to Release Summery Content
Genshin Impact's highly anticipated 4.8 update is just around the corner, bringing a wave of summer fun! Launching July 17th, this update isn't just a fleeting event; it's a substantial expansion to the game. The star of the show is Simulanka, a brand-new, limited-time map brimming with unique crea
Fortnite Re-Releases Paradigm Skin By Accident, Lets Players Keep It Anyways
Fortnite在五年后意外地重新推出了独家Paradigm皮肤。继续阅读以了解发生了什么。 Fortnite意外重新发布Paradigm皮肤 玩家可以保留战利品 8月6日,当备受追捧的Paradigm皮肤意外地出现在游戏物品商店中时,Fortnite玩家一片哗然。这款皮肤最初于第一章第X季作为限时独家皮肤发布,五年来一直无法购买。 Fortnite迅速澄清,这款皮肤的出现是“由于一个错误”,并宣布计划将其从玩家的储物柜中移除并退款。然而,在面对社区的反弹后,开发商出人意料地来了个180度大转弯。 在最初公告发布两小时后发布的一条推文中,Fortnite表示,购买了Paradigm皮肤的玩家可
Nikki's Hunt: Unlock Inspiring Quests in Infinity
In Infinity Nikki, becoming Miraland's top stylist is a rewarding journey, and the player base has embraced this since the game's December 2024 launch. Progress comes from collecting resources, exploring Wishfield, and completing quests – especially the Kindled Inspiration quests. These quests full
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AFK Journey Character Tier List (January 2025)
Dream League Soccer: Enhanced Edition Now Live on Mobile
New 'Fantastic Four' Teaser: Where's Doctor Doom?
Kingdom Two Crowns Unveils "Call of Olympus" Update
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