>  訊息 >  神奇寶貝口袋秘密揭曉:征服任務挑戰


Authore: Bella更新:Jan 16,2025


揭開 Pokémon TCG Pocket 中的隱藏任務!

Pokémon TCG Pocket 充滿了任務和挑戰,大部分可以在“任務”選項卡中找到。 但你知道還有秘密任務嗎?本指南揭示了所有七個、他們的要求以及等待著您的獎勵。


什麼是秘密任務? Pokémon TCG Pocket 中的所有秘密任務


與常規任務不同,秘密任務沒有列出。 在完成之前您不會知道要求或獎勵。 別擔心,本指南揭示了所有秘密!

Pokémon TCG Pocket 中的所有秘密任務


Secret MissionRequirementsRewards
Kanto Gym Leaders 2Collect full-art versions of all eight Kanto Gym Leaders: Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Koga, Sabrina, Blaine, GiovanniWonder Hourglass x48 Pack Hourglass x12 Shop Tickets x10
Genetic Apex Museum 1 (Charizard)Collect full-art versions of: Gloom, Pinsir, Charmander, Rapidash, Lapras, Alakazam, Slowpoke, Meowth (from Charizard packs)Wonder Hourglass x36 Pack Hourglass x12 Shop Tickets x10
Genetic Apex Museum 2 (Mewtwo)Collect full-art versions of: Bulbasaur, Cubone, Golbat, Weezing, Dragonite, Pidgeot, Ditto, Porygon (from Mewtwo packs)Wonder Hourglass x36 Pack Hourglass x12 Shop Tickets x10
Genetic Apex Museum 3 (Pikachu)Collect full-art versions of: Squirtle, Gyarados, Electrode, Diglett, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Eevee, Snorlax (from Pikachu packs)Wonder Hourglass x36 Pack Hourglass x12 Shop Tickets x10
Legendary Flight ContinuesCollect full-art versions of Articuno Ex, Zapdos Ex, and Moltres ExWonder Hourglass x48 Pack Hourglass x12 Legendary Birds Emblem
Complete the Kanto Pokédex!Collect all 151 Kanto Pokémon cards (excluding Promo Pack versions).Mew
The Immersive 4Obtain immersive art versions of Charizard Ex, Pikachu Ex, Mewtwo Ex, and Mew.Wonder Hourglass x48 Pack Hourglass x12 Shop Tickets x20

完成這些任務是一項重大挑戰,尤其是對於免費玩家而言。 專注於打開你的日常包,並優先考慮包含你缺少的卡牌的包。 請回來與我們聯係,了解更多 Pokémon TCG Pocket 技巧和策略,包括我們的元套牌等級列表!