>  訊息 >  王國中的所有煉金術食譜都來拯救2以及如何獲得它們


Authore: Daniel更新:Feb 28,2025





RecipeEffectAcquisition Method
Aqua VitalisReduces health loss; slows bleeding.Purchase from Aranka (Nomads' Camp), Herbalist Barnaby (north of Trosky Castle), or Kuttenberg apothecary.
BaneDepletes 110 health (guaranteed death); higher quality accelerates depletion.Purchase from Aranka (Nomads' Camp).
Bowman’s BrewEnhances archery; reduces stamina loss during aiming (higher quality).Purchase from Aranka (Nomads' Camp) or Herbalist Barnaby (north of Trosky Castle).
Chamomile DecoctionFaster healing during sleep; faster energy replenishment during sleep (higher quality).Received from Bozhena; available from Aranka (Nomads' Camp).
CockerelBoosts energy; slows fatigue (higher quality).Purchase from Pschitoky or Kuttenberg apothecary.
DollmakerDisables running; reduces weapon skills; decreases health (higher quality).Purchase from Aranka (Nomads' Camp).
MoonshineImproves mood.Purchase from Aranka (Nomads' Camp).
Padfoot PotionEnhances thievery and craftsmanship.Purchase from Aranka (Nomads' Camp).
Aesop PotionBoosts riding and dog-handling skills; reduces animal notice and prevents dog barking (higher quality).Purchase from Pschitoky apothecary.
Artemisia PotionIncreases strength; reduces stamina cost of attacking/defending (higher quality).Purchase from Herbalist Barnaby (north of Trosky Castle), Pschitoky apothecary, or Kuttenberg apothecary.
Buck’s BloodIncreases stamina; enhances stamina regeneration.Purchase from Aranka (Nomads' Camp), Emmerich (Troskowitz), Pschitoky apothecary, or Kuttenberg apothecary.
Digestive PotionReduces nourishment; cures food poisoning; cures poisoning and increases vitality (higher quality).Purchase from Emmerich (Troskowitz), Herbalist Barnaby (north of Trosky Castle), or Kuttenberg apothecary.
EmbrocationBoosts agility; reduces stamina drain while sprinting.Purchase from Aranka (Nomads' Camp) or Kuttenberg apothecary.
Fever TonicRelieves fever.To be determined (TBD)
FoxImproves speech; accelerates reading speed (higher quality).Purchase from Pschitoky or Kuttenberg apothecary.
Hair O’ The DogReduces drunkenness; completely eliminates drunkenness, alleviates hangovers and alcoholism symptoms (higher quality).Purchase from Herbalist Barnaby (north of Trosky Castle), Emmerich (Troskowitz), or Kuttenberg apothecary.

鉛射擊火藥 為鉛射門創建火藥(在近距離穿透堅硬的盔甲)。 從庫滕貝格(Kuttenberg Apothecary)購買;來自Kreyzl(Opus Magnum Quest)的獎勵。 lethean Water 重置Perks(不可逆;導致痛苦)。從kuttenberg apothecary。持續時間)。從Emmerich(Troskowitz)或Kuttenberg Amecary購買。< 催眠劑藥水將靜息性降低到零;減慢耐力再生(較高質量)。從Herbalist Barnaby(Trosky Castle以北)購買。< Marigold湯汁逐漸健康恢複;立即治愈宿醉(質量更高)。從Herbalist Barnaby(Trosky Castle以北),Emmerich(Troskowitz),Pschitoky Apothecary或Kuttenberg Amothecary。持續時間。最大程度地減少了從健康狀況不佳的耐力。增強力量,活力和敏捷性(質量更高)。從Pschitoky或Kuttenberg Apothecary購買。< 散布射擊射擊槍支槍支 院子裏。 soap 有效地洗衣服(用水)。<>從Emmerich(Troskowitz)或Kuttenberg Apothecary。減慢能源損失。從Aranka(Nomads'Camp)或Kuttenberg Apothecary購買。該綜合指南可確保您有足夠的能力來瀏覽 王國的煉金術方麵:Deliverance 2 。有關更多遊戲技巧和策略,請查看逃避現實。