BeamDesign is a powerful, innovative app designed for civil engineers, mechanical engineers, architects, and students working with 1D hyperstatic frames. Leveraging the Finite Element Method (FEM), BeamDesign provides instant calculation results, streamlining the design process. ব্যবহারকারীরা সহজেই জ্যামিতি, বাহিনী, সমর্থন, লোড কেস, উপকরণ এবং বিভাগগুলি ইনপুট এবং সংশোধন করতে পারে, একটি বিস্তৃত ডিজাইনের অভিজ্ঞতা তৈরি করে।
The app offers a robust feature set, including calculations for moment, shear, stress, deflection, reaction forces, and unity checks. Users can explore various load types (F, T, and q – rectangular and triangular), connection types (fixed and hinge), and support options (fixed, hinge, roller, and spring in any direction). Imposed deflections can also be incorporated for a more realistic simulation.
Stay ahead of the curve by joining the Beta Tester program and contributing to BeamDesign's ongoing development. For even greater accessibility, a web version is also available.
বিমডসাইন এর বৈশিষ্ট্য:
Effortlessly input and edit geometry, forces, supports, and load cases for rapid design iteration and instant calculation results.
Utilize diverse load options (F, T, and q loads – rectangular and triangular) to accurately model real-world scenarios. Select from fixed and hinge connections, and various support types (fixed, hinge, roller, spring) in any direction.
Incorporate imposed deflections and easily add or edit materials and sections to meet specific project requirements.
Conduct thorough analyses using load cases and combinations, including safety factors, to assess moment, shear, stress, deflection, reaction forces, and unity checks, ensuring structural reliability and safety.
Become a Beta Tester to contribute to future development and access the convenient web version of BeamDesign.
BeamDesign empowers civil engineers, mechanical engineers, architects, and students to efficiently design 1D hyperstatic frames. Its comprehensive features and intuitive interface make it an indispensable tool for professionals and students alike. Download BeamDesign today and experience the future of structural design.

- জিগস ইউএসএতে একসাথে ধাঁধা পাইজ করে আমেরিকান ইতিহাস অন্বেষণ করুন 2 ঘন্টা আগে
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- মনস্টার হান্টার ওয়াইল্ডসে নার্সসিলাকে কীভাবে মারধর এবং ক্যাপচার করবেন 7 ঘন্টা আগে
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